dal niente

You’re in a public place and using public property.  Behave.

am sitting in a computer lab with a guy who has the most annoying habit
in the world, and that says a lot, since the last person to hold this
title in my book wouldn’t stop screaming while he taking a dump in a
public stall.

This guy types on a keyboard, one key at a time— but that wouldn’t be
so bad, if it weren’t for the fact that he runs his fingers across all
the keys in a sweeping motion looking for the keys.  So where I
should hear a single press, I instead hear like easily 50 key
half-rebounds per letter and it’s is driving me insane.  It sounds
like i’m sitting next to a farkin dot-matrix printer, and it is
definately not helping my paper writing.

He caught me staring and he had the nerve to say “WHAT?”

Alright buddy, chill.

Good monday to y’all, it’s been a long weekend, and we’ve got a lot of ground to cover.  So let’s get started, shall we?

First of all, my new goal in life is to finish University as soon as I
possibly frikking can.  I’m just fed up of it.  I have hourly
fantasies of breaking both my teachers and classmates over my
knee.  On bad days, I contemplate the secrets of immortality– so
that I can raise the said teachers and classmates from the dead so I can break them again.  After all, who’se to accuse me of murder when the person is alive right there right?

I haven’t worked out the details of how you explain their distored
spines, but like many things, it’s a work in process.  I’ll worry
about the secret of immortality first.

I played some wicked games of badminton on Saturday at RsM, and I think
my performance was easily twice as good as my performances at the last
two or three weeks at RsM.  I think the difference is that I got a
full stock of sleep for two nights in a row, despite headaches.

I had the chance to play with MaoMao, who is likely to be one of my
teammates at the upcoming LBA league games.  That was
interesting– positions and strategies are really quite different from
other badminton settings, so I’ll have to consult with people as to how
we can up our mixed game.

As far as mens doubles went, I was feeling sharp and I was sharp– the
game is so much more fun when ou can see the best laid plans right
before you, it’s as if when you’re aware of everything going on you
might as well have a HUD in your face telling you just what all the
possibilities are.  And when you see all the possibilities, then
you can just mess people up.

Nanowrimo is no longer a salmon going upstream shit creek with it’s
salmony mouth wide open.  Now, it’s a 25000 word parchment crazy
glued  on the tip of a thermonuclear device that’s been hurled by
superman into the sun.  He also taped a pair of fuzzy dice to the manuscript.

The end hasn’t come yet, but it seems pretty ineveitable.

Seeing the commercials for Shadow of the Colossus and the new Socom
Navy Seals game (I love that “Sunday Night out: SOCOM STYLE
commercial”) makes me really miss videogames and my love hate
relationship with them.  I think my ability to write is in some
sense linked to how awed I am at the recent marvels of the videogame
industry… and not having really abused a game since Metal Gear Solid
3,  I feel I may start losing my edge.

It turns out that no one’s been recorded as being able to kill an Agent
in the “Enter the Matrix” game without 3-4 shots of a grenade
launcher.  I was able to do it with hand to hand combat and
focus.  No grenade launcher.

How ph33r4u1 am I.

Monday mornings make me irritable for so many reasons, some of which
compound themselves in a viscious circle.  This morning, for
example,  I woke up early to finish homework.  This made me a
bit irritated because i wanted to sleep in.  But then it turns out
that after rushing to finish the work at school, it wasn’t due today–
so i got further irritated.

And then there was this jackass on the escalator who was blocking the
lane, and someone asked to pass and gave them a dirty stare and didn’t

I imagine breaking him on my knee.  Didn’t even think of raising him back from the dead though.

I read this article about the wrath of God and wondered if that man kicks his dog.  Because it seems like something an asshole like him would do.